Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Here goes nothing..

Hi everyone and welcome to my first ever blog! Although I haven't been one of the keenest or most knowledgeable about the blog world, I thought it was only fitting to have one while I am gone. As most of you know, I am leaving on July 20, 2010 for my Peace Corps Service in Zambia, Africa. I will be serving as a "Community Health Development Extensionist" which involves educating rural Zambians about HIV/AIDS. I am so excited for this journey to begin as it has been a long time coming.
I began applying to the Peace Corps in April 2009. After many medical reviews, shots, tests, appointments, legal clearances etc., I was finally medically cleared on June 9, 2010. On June 10, 2010 I got the call I had been waiting on for over a year. I was officially offered an "invitation to serve" in Zambia. Since then it has been a whirlwind of researching Zambia, reading blogs, watching youtube videos and talking to everyone who has ever been to Zambia or knows anything about Zambia (thanks to mom!). So now I am two weeks out and finally back home in Greensboro, North Carolina. I will be spending time with my family and getting ready for this incredible journey ahead of me.
Although there is still a lot of unknown details about my Peace Corps service (what village I will be living in, what language I will be speaking, how close I will be to the surrounding volunteers, etc.) I will find out all of these details after my first 9 weeks of training in country. However this is what I do know so far:
1. I will be living in a mud hut with a thatched roof and no electricity or running water. Yes, I know you all think I am crazy but I am really looking forward to living a life completely opposite of the one I have always known.
2. I will be living with a host family during my first nine weeks of training. During training my days will be filled with Language training (there are six languages throughout the country which you get to choose once you get there), health education and cultural education.
3. My main mode of transportation will be an off-road bike which Peace Corps provides for me. I could be as far as 40-60km to the nearest village or town so I am thinking I will be a fantastic biker by the end of my service!
4. I will be getting a cell phone once in Zambia with texting abilities being the cheapest way of communication. However I probably will only have Internet services once every few weeks (also not completely known until I get there). So the best way to contact me is by writing me the old fashion way! My address during training is posted on the side of my blog and I will update it with a local one once I get to my village.

I think that is all of the details for now. So I hope everyone enjoys the blog and are able to get a little sneak peak into my new Zambian life!
Love to everyone who has been with me on this rollercoaster of a journey. There will be good blogs and sad blogs I am sure, so hang in there with me and enjoy the ride!


  1. Just figured out how to comment! Now we can all chime in as we follow your adventure.

  2. I just figured out how to comment, too . . . I think.

  3. Have a great adventure Kelsey, and thanks for keeping us posted with this blog. Good Luck!

  4. Kel we are all so excited for you and can't wait to share in your adventures via the blog!

  5. Hey Kelsey....I hope this will actually post - I'm new at this! Jordan passed your blog my way so that I could keep up with you. Fascinating! You are a very lucky girl to have this opportunity and to experience life from a completely different view. Your blog is great - I feel like I'm there with you! Take very good care of yourself and know that I will be thinking of you - and posting often.

  6. SueSimmons aka MomJuly 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    For those of you following, I got permission from Kelsey today to tell you that she is back from her site visit. She had a wonderful experience with a PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) named Ashley with whom she and a few other girls stayed for three nights. She loved the village and the feast that the villagers cooked for them. She is well and by tomorrow night will be living with her host family for the balance of training. She's not sure when she may blog next, but wanted me to assure everyone she is happy and fine and living the PC life already.

  7. Kelsey -

    We all love reading your blog. We will be helping your Mom celebrate her birthday this week with a mah jong class. :-)
    Take care and keep writing when you can...


  8. Kels you are amazing! I love reading about what you are doing and I am so proud of you! Keep the updates coming, as I (and I assume others) are living out our african adventures vicariously through you! You go girl!

  9. Awesome stuff, its definitely inspiring me to get back to Africa soon! I'm looking forward to reading about your excellent adventures to come.

    All the best,


  10. Great Post Kelsey! You hit just the right marks! So proud!

  11. Kelsie - what a trip and what an adventure and education! Not that you'll have much use for bemba when you return, but you never know . . . Your blog posts have been amazing and I can feel your excitement. Keep them coming!

  12. Your mom just told me how to comment. What a celebrity you are there! You sound very happy and excited to be there. I'm looking forward to each new blog.

    Love you,

  13. Great new post Kelsey. Always love reading the new ones even though we talk. Good luck with move in! Can't wait to hear more

  14. Congrats Kelsey! I can only imagine how exciting this must be, I get excited just reading your posts.

    You are an amazing woman! Good luck and we can't wait to hear more from you - Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!


  15. Another great blog post. Shows how disparate different parts of the country are. So much work to do in the villages and yet so much of western society in the cities. Very interesting as always.

  16. Hi Kelsey!! My name is Sunshine and Zambia is my home but I'm currently studying in Australia! I just stumbled upon your blog this afternoon and I was so charmed by your dedication to my beautiful Zambia and your work as a Volunteer! That is amazing. I hope we can be friends and share experiences. I recently started blogging as well - about my life journey and what I am learing in my efforts to improve my life and my family's life. I hope to break the cycel of poverty not only in my family but contribute the same in communities back there. Thank you for all your work Kelsey! It's much appreciated!!

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  19. Kels, you dance girlfriend... you dance!! :) love and miss you tons!
